Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Tag: Lore24

  • Caretakers, A Fate Game in Progress

    This week, I’ve been doing some writing on the paranormal social workers game that I’ve been working on for a few years actually. This project has gone through phases in Savage Worlds Deluxe, Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, Cortex Prime, and now I’ve settled in with Fate Condensed. This week I actually finally replaced the placeholder…

  • Lore24 Week 3 Recap

    Lore24 Week 3 Recap

    This week I’ve continued writing about my Supernatural Social Workers setting on my Mastodon Profile. I’ve started focusing less on facts of the setting and more on creating some of the characters and organizations that exist in the setting. Like last week, I’m going to make the recap more interesting by adding photos from an…

  • Lore24 Week 2 Recap

    Lore24 Week 2 Recap

    I’ve been continuing my participation in Lore24 this week, though I pivoted from writing about the setting of Denisete I used for a Pathfinder Second Edition Game to a discussion of the fictional town of Bookerfield, Ohio, which I plan to use as a setting for my Supernatural Social Workers game I’m writing. You can…

  • Lore24 Week 1 Recap

    Lore24 Week 1 Recap

    This year, I’ve been taking part in the Lore24 challenge on my Mastodon feed. Many of the posts there will feature information about Denisete, a place I developed for a Pathfinder campaign I played through with my gaming group and that I’d love to play another game in. That’s not to say that I won’t…