Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Lore24 Week 2 Recap

Lore24 Week 2 Recap

I’ve been continuing my participation in Lore24 this week, though I pivoted from writing about the setting of Denisete I used for a Pathfinder Second Edition Game to a discussion of the fictional town of Bookerfield, Ohio, which I plan to use as a setting for my Supernatural Social Workers game I’m writing.

You can view the first week of Lore24 posts here.

Images I include for Bookerfield posts will be Creative Commons licensed images of various cities around Ohio. For this first post, I’ve selected Youngstonw, Ohio as our stand-in for the vibe.

January 8, 2024

In a mid sized city in Jones County, there is a non-profit specializing in social work that caters to the needs of the paranormal.

Community Access to Special Care (CASC) performs care like counseling ghosts to help them with their unresolved business and assisting with sedation of werewolves who wish to retain control during the full moon.

Youngstown by 5chw4r7z used under CC-BY-SA 2.0

January 11, 2024

Community Access to Special Care (CASC) employs a “crisis team” of providers who are sent into situations where a paranormal entity’s problems could be dangerous to itself and others.

The Crisis Team may be deployed to give forceful sedatives to urban werewolves that have missed medications at the full moon or to determine the nature of a haunting that has turned hostile to outsiders. They’re goal is still to help, but also to protect.

January 12, 2024

In and around some police officers have had their own encounters with the supernatural. These encounters are often of a person or entity in extreme desperation or crisis and generally make the person look dangerous.

These officers have formed the Jones County Special Investigations Group. SIG watches for supernatural threats and takes whatever action they feel necessary to protect the public.

CASC’s crisis team often finds themselves stuck between a crisis and SIG.

Youngstown by 5chw4r7z used under CC-BY-SA 2.0

January 13, 2024

The caregivers at Community Access to Special Care in know that misconceptions abound about vampirism. For one, the afflicted are not walking corpses, they have a pulse. They just also have a virally induced extreme case of anemia that forces them to consume fresh supplies of blood to keep theirs oxygenated.

Infusions work too, but the condition manifests a taste for blood.

Youngstown by 5chw4r7z used under CC-BY-SA 2.0

January 14, 2024

Not all in Bookerfield and Jones County are aware of the Supernatural goings on. Because of this, Community Access to Special Care must find creative ways to ensure they get funding.

Under a number of subsidiaries, they receive county contracts to do animal control and biohazardous waste disposal. They then use the jobs to cheaply source supplies like surplus blood they were hired to dispose of for their other projects.


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