Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Tag: writing

  • Lore24 Week 2 Recap

    Lore24 Week 2 Recap

    I’ve been continuing my participation in Lore24 this week, though I pivoted from writing about the setting of Denisete I used for a Pathfinder Second Edition Game to a discussion of the fictional town of Bookerfield, Ohio, which I plan to use as a setting for my Supernatural Social Workers game I’m writing. You can…

  • For the Love of Amateurism

    For the Love of Amateurism

    Today I want to talk about a topic that I think affects those of us with a TTRPG habit quite a lot. That’s holding ourselves to a professional standard in everything we do. We see it in how hard it can be to get a player to take that first leap into the Game Master’s…

  • Misty Forest with red and yellow leaves at the foot of the trees which appear as dark silhouettes

    Plans for Upcoming Cairn Jam

    A couple years ago, I worked through the Storytelling Collective’s “Write your First Adventure” course. I failed to complete it to the stated end-goal of “Get a completed adventure on the Dungeon Master’s Guild” but I learned a lot about how to format and pace adventures. I’ve tried to bring that into my own homebrew…

  • A Return to Blogging

    A Return to Blogging

    In the past few weeks, roughly since the mid-November changes at Twitter, my own internet habits have seen the most major shift since I got a smartphone in 2012 (I got one late, I know) or since my social media experience moved from discussion boards and MySpace to Facebook when I started college. I’ve been…

  • Dungeon23 Plans

    If you’re online in TTRPG spaces, you’ve probably seen posts talking about the Dungeon23 challenge, creating a 365 room, 12-level, megadungeon one room a day. It’s a challenge that sounded fun to me, because I am the exact type of person who hears “create another campaign while still running this one” and thinks it’s a…