Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Tag: session stories

  • A Night With Supernormal by Ursidice

    A Night With Supernormal by Ursidice

    Last night, my group was down a couple players but still wanted to have our game night. So we each pulled out our libraries of one-page one-shots and looked over what sounded interesting. We pretty unanimously landed on Ursidice’s one-page rpg Supernormal. The premise is that the players are members of a superhero team that…

  • Demotivational poster with image of thousdands of dice reading: Shadowrun, where else are you going to use three pounds of 6-siders

    My Experiences as Designated GM, Part 2: Shadowrun

    This is a continuation from an earlier post about my experiences GMing. My move to Michigan coincided with a bit of a break from the GM’s seat. Even though I found my Michigan group within a couple weeks of my move, the group had a DM for the weekly D&D and Pathfinder games. So for…

  • My Experiences as Designated DM, Part 1

    My Experiences as Designated DM, Part 1

    Header Image Courtesy of Thomas Dippel licensed under CC BY 2.0 As I was moving some boxes, I came across the external hard drives I had in college which contain my notes from the RPGs I played in college with my first gaming group. Which got me started thinking about all the DM lessons I…

  • Cover of 13th Age, Showing Heroes Surrounded By Monsters

    Experience with the 13th Age Playtest

    It’s been a while since the last gameplay update I made that wasn’t also mainly a review of the module or system I used. On Saturday night, my group tried out the playtest for the new edition of 13th Age. We handled both the creation of our characters and playing through an adventure during a…