Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Tag: science fiction

  • Steel Guardian by Cameron Coral

    Steel Guardian by Cameron Coral

    I really enjoyed reading Steel Guardian by Cameron Coral. I think I got it on some sort of sale, based on reading the premise of “janitor robot must protect human baby while wandering though the wasteland of the AI Uprising Apocalypse”. Premise That quick statement is basically the entire premise and plot of the book.…

  • Nemesis Games by James S.A. Corey

    Nemesis Games by James S.A. Corey

    Earlier today I finished reading Nemesis Games by James S.A. Corey. Nemesis Games is book five of the Expanse series. It is a space opera set in our solar system a couple hundred years in the future. The Expanse focuses on the adventures of the crew of the Rocinante as they deal with events that…

  • Cover of Amazing Tales, Showing a pirate holding a sword over their shoulder as a parrot perches on the blade in front of a grand castle in the background

    Review of Amazing Tales

    In which I talk about playing RPGs with my daughter and describe her crazy wacky shenanigans as a reason you should try a system.