Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Tag: rpg

  • OSR Blogging and a Review of Tannic

    OSR Blogging and a Review of Tannic

    Earlier today, Chris McDowell ran a stream in which he talked about the idea of OSR and TTRPG Blogging. I’d also heard more discussion on this topic when I was listening to Between Two Cairns. Yochai and Brad occasionally get into discussions about what the RPG scene was like back in the Google+ days. Prismatic…

  • Misty Forest with red and yellow leaves at the foot of the trees which appear as dark silhouettes

    Plans for Upcoming Cairn Jam

    A couple years ago, I worked through the Storytelling Collective’s “Write your First Adventure” course. I failed to complete it to the stated end-goal of “Get a completed adventure on the Dungeon Master’s Guild” but I learned a lot about how to format and pace adventures. I’ve tried to bring that into my own homebrew…

  • The Positronic Library and Electric Bastionland

    The Positronic Library and Electric Bastionland

    Saturday night, I played a game of Electric Bastionland, designed by Chris McDowall. Electric Bastionland takes place in a setting reminiscent of the early-to-mid 20th Century, with some weird electric oddities added in. Each player has three stats: Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma. They also get randomly assigned a “failed career” a pseudo-class that defines what…

  • Demotivational poster with image of thousdands of dice reading: Shadowrun, where else are you going to use three pounds of 6-siders

    My Experiences as Designated GM, Part 2: Shadowrun

    This is a continuation from an earlier post about my experiences GMing. My move to Michigan coincided with a bit of a break from the GM’s seat. Even though I found my Michigan group within a couple weeks of my move, the group had a DM for the weekly D&D and Pathfinder games. So for…

  • Cover of 13th Age, Showing Heroes Surrounded By Monsters

    Experience with the 13th Age Playtest

    It’s been a while since the last gameplay update I made that wasn’t also mainly a review of the module or system I used. On Saturday night, my group tried out the playtest for the new edition of 13th Age. We handled both the creation of our characters and playing through an adventure during a…

  • Pouch of Pets — for Pathfinder Second Edition

    Pouch of Pets — for Pathfinder Second Edition

    Pouch of Pets — Item 3 Conjuration, Magical Price: 60 gp Usage: held in one hand Bulk: L This rectangular brown bag appears empty. When you reach into it, you feel a sphere drop into your hand. It can be used once per day. Activate: 2 Actions, concentrate, manipulate, verbal. Effect: You reach into the…

  • Review of Tea & Crumpets by C.A. McKinney

    Review of Tea & Crumpets by C.A. McKinney

    I’ve wanted to write something regarding some of the indie RPG offerings that I’ve found on Itch. I grew up a child of the 90s and Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura were some of the first anime I saw. I was also a huge Power Rangers fan as a young kid. So normal people transforming…

  • Spirited Cafe by A Couple of Drakes Publishing

    Spirited Cafe by A Couple of Drakes Publishing

    In recent posts I’ve covered primarily Pathfinder Second Edition, because that is what my group plays on game night most often. Today, I want to do something a little different. This review will be based not upon a play session, but upon an indie RPG which I have read and which I really hope to…

  • Little Trouble in Big Absalom – Pathfinder Second Edition

    Little Trouble in Big Absalom – Pathfinder Second Edition

    Review of the Little Trouble in Big Absalom Adventure for Pathfinder Second Edition

  • Cover of Amazing Tales, Showing a pirate holding a sword over their shoulder as a parrot perches on the blade in front of a grand castle in the background

    Review of Amazing Tales

    In which I talk about playing RPGs with my daughter and describe her crazy wacky shenanigans as a reason you should try a system.