Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Tag: eberron

  • Session Stories: Aftershocks of the Last War Session 2

    Session Stories: Aftershocks of the Last War Session 2

    Earlier in the week, I wrote about my first session of a new campaign. Last night, the group met online to do session 2 of that campaign. Our Cast Ahsha: High Elf Sorcerer, a runaway from Sharn, still learning to control her magic, seeking adventure. Duke: Harengon Fighter, member of a criminal trio who smuggle…

  • Eberron: Aftershocks of the Last War, Session 1

    Eberron: Aftershocks of the Last War, Session 1

    I recently started a new campaign with my group. It’s one I’ve wanted to do for ages, since I actually sat down and read the Eberron setting. Eberron is a setting which looks to answer the question “What would technology look like if it were made of magic?” There are trains and long distance communications…

  • Session Stories: 3/16/24 Warforged or Warforged Unknown

    My Pathfinder game is having a short break between sessions with the usual scheduling issues we’re all familiar with. The week was also a rough one for me with the first anniversary of my mom dying, so I still wanted to get some game time in. Only one of my usual players was available, so…