Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Tag: adventure

  • Session Stories: 3/16/24 Warforged or Warforged Unknown

    My Pathfinder game is having a short break between sessions with the usual scheduling issues we’re all familiar with. The week was also a rough one for me with the first anniversary of my mom dying, so I still wanted to get some game time in. Only one of my usual players was available, so…

  • Try the Beetle Milk by Em Quintanillo

    Try the Beetle Milk by Em Quintanillo

    On Christmas, as we were getting food ready at my in-laws, my wife brought me a package that had arrived at our mailbox. That package contained my copy of Try the Beetle Milk, an adventure written for Cairn by Em Quintanillo. I’d bought the adventure a while back, and had read it on my tablet…

  • Tulgey: Gyring and Gimbling in the Wabe by atelier pilcrow

    Tulgey: Gyring and Gimbling in the Wabe by atelier pilcrow

    I’ve written previously about Tulgey by atelier pilcrow, formerly called Uncle Vova. In appreciation for an early kind word, the author sent me a copy of the second installment. As I said before, I really enjoy the specific brand of non-sensical fantasy that goes into these adventures. The Alice stories were one of the first…

  • Tulgey by Unclevova

    Tulgey by Unclevova

    Tulgey, written by Uncle Vova is an adventure for Cairn based on Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. It is available on Itch. Tulgey was written for the Cairn Jam A Town, A Forest, A Dungeon which ran in June 2023. Reading some reviews on Cats Have No Lord inspired me to write about one…

  • OSR Blogging and a Review of Tannic

    OSR Blogging and a Review of Tannic

    Earlier today, Chris McDowell ran a stream in which he talked about the idea of OSR and TTRPG Blogging. I’d also heard more discussion on this topic when I was listening to Between Two Cairns. Yochai and Brad occasionally get into discussions about what the RPG scene was like back in the Google+ days. Prismatic…

  • Misty Forest with red and yellow leaves at the foot of the trees which appear as dark silhouettes

    Plans for Upcoming Cairn Jam

    A couple years ago, I worked through the Storytelling Collective’s “Write your First Adventure” course. I failed to complete it to the stated end-goal of “Get a completed adventure on the Dungeon Master’s Guild” but I learned a lot about how to format and pace adventures. I’ve tried to bring that into my own homebrew…

  • Cover of 13th Age, Showing Heroes Surrounded By Monsters

    Experience with the 13th Age Playtest

    It’s been a while since the last gameplay update I made that wasn’t also mainly a review of the module or system I used. On Saturday night, my group tried out the playtest for the new edition of 13th Age. We handled both the creation of our characters and playing through an adventure during a…

  • Dungeon23 Plans

    If you’re online in TTRPG spaces, you’ve probably seen posts talking about the Dungeon23 challenge, creating a 365 room, 12-level, megadungeon one room a day. It’s a challenge that sounded fun to me, because I am the exact type of person who hears “create another campaign while still running this one” and thinks it’s a…

  • Little Trouble in Big Absalom – Pathfinder Second Edition

    Little Trouble in Big Absalom – Pathfinder Second Edition

    Review of the Little Trouble in Big Absalom Adventure for Pathfinder Second Edition

  • We Be Heroes – Pathfinder Playtest/Second Edition

    We Be Heroes – Pathfinder Playtest/Second Edition

    [We Be Heroes]( is a free adventure produced by Paizo, originally for the Pathfinder Playtest ahead of the release of Pathfinder Second Edition.