Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Category: Squishy Mage Field Guide

  • Squishy Mage’s Field Guide: Faerie Dragon

    Like I did with my post on the Blink Dog, this post is based not on current prep, but on a monster I’ve greatly enjoyed from past editions of Pathfinder and of Dungeons & Dragons. This post is going to focus on the Faerie Dragon, a monster I’ve used as a familiar for spellcasters in…

  • Squishy Mage Field Guide: Blink Dog

    My Pathfinder game is on a short hiatus with some scheduling issues, so rather than picking monsters from what I’ve prepped for a session like I did with the Skeletal Champion or Fungus Leshy, I’m taking a stroll through the Pathfinder Bestiaries looking for things that I like. Today, I’m picking a classic dungeon fantasy…

  • Squishy Mage Field Guide: Fungus Leshy

    Squishy Mage Field Guide: Fungus Leshy

    Continuing on from my last Field Guide post, I’ll discuss more of the creatures encountered in my last session of The Seventh Arch. Leshys are one of my favorite Pathfinder monsters. They have a similar “small low level monster” feel to kobolds and goblins, but aren’t a Dungeons and Dragons staple. They feel different, and…

  • Squishy Mage’s Field Guide: Skeletal Champion

    Squishy Mage’s Field Guide: Skeletal Champion

    Like with my entry on the Tree Fisher, today’s entry is inspired by a monster that came up in my last Pathfinder session. In the second room of the last session, my players encountered three Skeletal Champions. These skeletons are a little different from the run-of-the-mill Skeleton Guards this group has faced in the past.…

  • Squishy Mage’s Field Guide: Tree Fisher

    With this post I’m going to take a short break from the undead I’ve been talking about related to my last campaign to talk about a monster from my current game. If you’re a player in my game, look away now, spoilers lie ahead. We’re talking about the Tree Fisher, a monster introduced in the…

  • Squishy Mage’s Field Guide: Wolf Skeleton

    Squishy Mage’s Field Guide: Wolf Skeleton

    If Skeleton Guards weren’t enough undead for your players, it’s time to bring the puppies to the game. Wolf Skeletons can be terrifyingly quick and add an interesting tactical element to your undead armies. Dire Wolf Running by Peter D. Tillman, used under CC-BY-SA 2.0 Skeleton Traits Like the Skeleton Guard, the Wolf Skeleton is…

  • Squishy Mage’s Field Guide: Skeleton Abilities

    Rather than speaking about a specific monster in this post, I’m going to talk about the special abilities that can be added onto any monster from the Skeleton family. I wrote about the Skeleton Guard on Friday, and these abilities can be added to it to add some addiitonal diversity to your skeletons. I really…

  • Squishy Mage’s Field Guide: Skeleton Guard

    Inspiration Today, I’m starting an undertaking that I’ve had in mind for a bit. I really like the advice given in The Monsters Know What They’re Doing for Fifth Edition, but lately I’ve been playing Pathfinder Second Edition far more than I’ve played Fifth Edition. Pathfinder has its own Bestiaries with its own monsters and…