Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Category: RPG Material

  • Squishy Mage’s Field Guide: Skeleton Guard

    Inspiration Today, I’m starting an undertaking that I’ve had in mind for a bit. I really like the advice given in The Monsters Know What They’re Doing for Fifth Edition, but lately I’ve been playing Pathfinder Second Edition far more than I’ve played Fifth Edition. Pathfinder has its own Bestiaries with its own monsters and…

  • Lore24 Week 1 Recap

    Lore24 Week 1 Recap

    This year, I’ve been taking part in the Lore24 challenge on my Mastodon feed. Many of the posts there will feature information about Denisete, a place I developed for a Pathfinder campaign I played through with my gaming group and that I’d love to play another game in. That’s not to say that I won’t…

  • Open Game License v 1.0a

    The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer…

  • Abandoned Hospital

    Paranormal Social Workers Project

    Last month, I wrote a blog post where I talked about a game I was hacking Cortex Prime for. The concept is that the players are a group of social workers to paranormal entities. Making my own urban fantasy RPG to play with my friends has been a thought for a while, because games like…

  • Pouch of Pets — for Pathfinder Second Edition

    Pouch of Pets — for Pathfinder Second Edition

    Pouch of Pets — Item 3 Conjuration, Magical Price: 60 gp Usage: held in one hand Bulk: L This rectangular brown bag appears empty. When you reach into it, you feel a sphere drop into your hand. It can be used once per day. Activate: 2 Actions, concentrate, manipulate, verbal. Effect: You reach into the…

  • Pitcher full of orange brown liquid

    Softpatter Elixir — Pathfinder Second Edition

    Pitcher image courtesy of WILLPOWER STUDIOS and used under the terms of a Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0 license. Softpatter Elixir (Item 2+) Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir Price: 6 gp Bulk: L Usage held in one hand Activate 1 Action Interact The specific mix of stimulants in this elixir improve fine motor control and hearing, allowing for better…

  • In Which I Discuss Hacking Cortex Prime

    In Which I Discuss Hacking Cortex Prime

    In general, I’m just a player of RPGs and wouldn’t classify myself as a designer. Sure I GM a lot of games and have thrown together magic items for players or written a whole campaign only to see it immediately spin into a different direction than I’d planned. I say this mainly to talk about…

  • Dungeon23 Plans

    If you’re online in TTRPG spaces, you’ve probably seen posts talking about the Dungeon23 challenge, creating a 365 room, 12-level, megadungeon one room a day. It’s a challenge that sounded fun to me, because I am the exact type of person who hears “create another campaign while still running this one” and thinks it’s a…