Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Category: News

  • 2023, or a Life in Review

    2023, or a Life in Review

    This year has been the second that my blog is more of a personal project rather than an attempt to just get people to call me and hire me as an attorney. Earlier today, I read a Mastodon post from Dave Clark of Full Moon Storytelling and Sounder at Heart about writing a year in…

  • For the Love of Amateurism

    For the Love of Amateurism

    Today I want to talk about a topic that I think affects those of us with a TTRPG habit quite a lot. That’s holding ourselves to a professional standard in everything we do. We see it in how hard it can be to get a player to take that first leap into the Game Master’s…

  • Late for the Interurban sculpture, image by Bachcell on wikipedia, CC-BY-SA 3.0

    On the Peculiarity of Nostalgia

    I had a moment today which got me thinking about the things we are nostalgic for from our childhoods and how frankly odd a lot of them are when removed from that context. The moment began with my daughter noticing one of my favorite pairs of dress socks. They are bright yellow with a design…

  • Demotivational poster with image of thousdands of dice reading: Shadowrun, where else are you going to use three pounds of 6-siders

    My Experiences as Designated GM, Part 2: Shadowrun

    This is a continuation from an earlier post about my experiences GMing. My move to Michigan coincided with a bit of a break from the GM’s seat. Even though I found my Michigan group within a couple weeks of my move, the group had a DM for the weekly D&D and Pathfinder games. So for…

  • My Experiences as Designated DM, Part 1

    My Experiences as Designated DM, Part 1

    Header Image Courtesy of Thomas Dippel licensed under CC BY 2.0 As I was moving some boxes, I came across the external hard drives I had in college which contain my notes from the RPGs I played in college with my first gaming group. Which got me started thinking about all the DM lessons I…

  • A Return to Blogging

    A Return to Blogging

    In the past few weeks, roughly since the mid-November changes at Twitter, my own internet habits have seen the most major shift since I got a smartphone in 2012 (I got one late, I know) or since my social media experience moved from discussion boards and MySpace to Facebook when I started college. I’ve been…

  • Welcome and Changes

    About This site was formerly a marketing tool for my law practice. I have since taken a position that does not permit me to practice privately and have stopped taking new clients. However, my website is paid up through 2022, leaving me to decide what to do with it. Plans In recent times, I’ve come…

  • Welcome to the Updated Website

    Welcome to the new website for A.T. Keane Law and Attorney Alexander Keane. The converted site is meant to make your decision to contact me about your legal needs as easy as possible. I’ve made two forms for you to contact me directly. You may reach out with quick questions via the Contact Page or schedule…