Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Category: Gameplay Updates

  • Session Stories: Aftershocks of the Last War Session 2

    Session Stories: Aftershocks of the Last War Session 2

    Earlier in the week, I wrote about my first session of a new campaign. Last night, the group met online to do session 2 of that campaign. Our Cast Ahsha: High Elf Sorcerer, a runaway from Sharn, still learning to control her magic, seeking adventure. Duke: Harengon Fighter, member of a criminal trio who smuggle…

  • Eberron: Aftershocks of the Last War, Session 1

    Eberron: Aftershocks of the Last War, Session 1

    I recently started a new campaign with my group. It’s one I’ve wanted to do for ages, since I actually sat down and read the Eberron setting. Eberron is a setting which looks to answer the question “What would technology look like if it were made of magic?” There are trains and long distance communications…

  • Session Stories: Troika

    A couple weeks ago, most of my gaming group was missing from one of our sessions and so instead of our usual, ongoing Pathfinder campaign, three of the players and I tried Troika instead. We used the Blancmange and Thistle sample adventure in the back of the core book. Spoilers for that adventure ahead if…

  • Session Stories: 3/16/24 Warforged or Warforged Unknown

    My Pathfinder game is having a short break between sessions with the usual scheduling issues we’re all familiar with. The week was also a rough one for me with the first anniversary of my mom dying, so I still wanted to get some game time in. Only one of my usual players was available, so…

  • Session Stories: 2/24/24 Pathfinder Session

    Last Saturday, I played another game in my ongoing Pathfinder 2e game. We’re playing through the Gatewalkers Adventure Path. This session was the second session of the third chapter of the first book of the adventure path: The Seventh Arch. I’ve written about the greater number of the party before in my post: Sketching the…

  • Monster of the Week by Generic Games

    Monster of the Week by Generic Games

    I realized this week that I’ve never written anything here about one of my favorite RPGs that I’ve played in the last couple years. Monster of the Week is a game which tries to emulate the tropes you would see in a “Monster of the Week” show like The X-Files or Buffy the Vampire Slayer…

  • Sketching the Gatewalkers

    Lately, my group has been running the Gatewalkers Adventure Path for Pathfinder Second Edition. I’ve really been enjoying the story as it’s unfolded and unravelend around them. I’ve also been trying to get in the habit of practicing drawing because sometimes I just like to make stuff. The urge to make stuff is what led…

  • Misty Forest with red and yellow leaves at the foot of the trees which appear as dark silhouettes

    Plans for Upcoming Cairn Jam

    A couple years ago, I worked through the Storytelling Collective’s “Write your First Adventure” course. I failed to complete it to the stated end-goal of “Get a completed adventure on the Dungeon Master’s Guild” but I learned a lot about how to format and pace adventures. I’ve tried to bring that into my own homebrew…

  • The Positronic Library and Electric Bastionland

    The Positronic Library and Electric Bastionland

    Saturday night, I played a game of Electric Bastionland, designed by Chris McDowall. Electric Bastionland takes place in a setting reminiscent of the early-to-mid 20th Century, with some weird electric oddities added in. Each player has three stats: Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma. They also get randomly assigned a “failed career” a pseudo-class that defines what…

  • A Night With Supernormal by Ursidice

    A Night With Supernormal by Ursidice

    Last night, my group was down a couple players but still wanted to have our game night. So we each pulled out our libraries of one-page one-shots and looked over what sounded interesting. We pretty unanimously landed on Ursidice’s one-page rpg Supernormal. The premise is that the players are members of a superhero team that…