Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Category: Attorney Posts

  • Even Taking a Dead Butterfly Can Be Theft

    Ohio’s theft statute is very serious. People can and have been prosecuted and even received jail time for what might seem like very minor indiscretions. Even the taking of a candy bar can bring charges that could carry up to six months in jail. As an example of the harsh penalties one can receive, a…

  • Courts Handling Adoptions Must Consider Other Open Family Law Cases

    In May of 2018, the Ohio Supreme Court put out its decision in In Re M.B.G.-E., a case regarding an adoption going through the Probate Court while other cases involving child custody were going on. The Supreme Court ruled that while the Adoption Proceedings may continue while other courts handle their cases, the Probate Court must…

  • Police Cannot Use Google Translate to Get Consent for Search

    Today’s post covers both criminal defense and a topic near and dear to my heart: language. Specifically, it speaks about whether police need to use human interpreters or if software tools for translation are “good enough” to meet constitutional requirements. What Happened? A federal judge in Kansas ruled that there was not consent to a…

  • Supreme Court Considering Whether Out-Of-State Businesses Must Collect Sales Tax

    Last week we discussed how to organize a small business, today we discuss a legal issue that may affect your business and its customers. The United States Supreme Court is reviewing a case about whether a state is allowed to require out-of-state businesses to collect sales taxes from customers and send them to the state.…

  • How Should You Organize Your New Business?

    So you’ve made the decision to take the plunge and be an entrepreneur; to start your own business. For many of us, that decision to throw caution to the wind and be our own boss might be the hardest part. But, that doesn’t mean that the hard decisions are over. If anything, the decision to…

  • Why All These Emails About Updated Privacy Policies?

    If you’re like me and have an email address, it’s pretty likely that your inbox has been overflowing with emails saying “We’ve Updated Our Privacy Policy.” What are these emails and why is the entire internet suddenly changing their privacy rules? The answer actually comes from Europe. What is EU General Data Protection Regulation? The…