Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Pouch of Pets — for Pathfinder Second Edition

Pouch of Pets — for Pathfinder Second Edition

Pouch of Pets — Item 3

Conjuration, Magical
Price: 60 gp
Usage: held in one hand
Bulk: L

This rectangular brown bag appears empty. When you reach into it, you feel a sphere drop into your hand. It can be used once per day.

Activate: 2 Actions, concentrate, manipulate, verbal.
Effect: You reach into the bag, speak the activation phrase, and draw a spherical gem drop into your hand. The gem may be thrown within 20 feet to randomly summon one of the following creatures using a d6 roll.

  1. Bloodseeker
  2. Compsognathus
  3. Flash Beetle
  4. Giant Rat
  5. Raven
  6. Three-toed Sloth

The summoned creature has the Minion trait and remains for one minute or until slain.


I was flipping through the equipment list looking for good items to give to my players in my Pathfinder game. I noticed that one of my favorite magical items has yet to see release in Pathfinder 2e, that being the Bag of Tricks. Because I am exactly the player who loves to turn a character into a monster tamer the second I’m given half a shot.

Pokemon definitely had an influence on me picking the d6 to randomize what you get, and on requiring an activation phrase. If it won’t harm the tone of your game too much, might I suggest “I choose you!”

Choosing the Item Level and Suggestions for Use

Level 3 was chosen for the item because of comparing it to a 1st level Summon Animal spell. All the animals appearing on the list are Level -1. To provide a higher level item, a list can be used of animals (or other monsters) one level higher for each 2 levels added to the item level.

The activation actions are one less for this item than for the Summon Animal Spell, but the creatures are made into minions, costing additional actions to command and control over which creature appears is removed.

Featured image is courtesy of Monica Kaneko licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0





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