Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Pitcher full of orange brown liquid

Softpatter Elixir — Pathfinder Second Edition

Pitcher image courtesy of WILLPOWER STUDIOS and used under the terms of a Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0 license.

Softpatter Elixir (Item 2+)

Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir

Price: 6 gp
Bulk: L
Usage held in one hand
Activate 1 Action Interact

The specific mix of stimulants in this elixir improve fine motor control and hearing, allowing for better concentration when you’re sneaking.

Softpatter Elixir (Lesser) Item 2

Consuming this elixir provides a +4 Item bonus to Stealth Checks and Stealth DC to avoid notice. You add your level to Stealth even if you are untrained. You also gain a +1 Item bonus to Perception Checks related to hearing. The duration is 1 minute.

Softpatter Elixir (Moderate) Item 5

The Stealth bonuses increase to +6 and the duration is 10 minutes.

Softpatter Elixir (Greater) Item 9

The Stealth bonuses increase to +10 and the duration is 10 minutes.

Purpose for Post

I’ve mostly been including information about games I run and talking about how I like different adventures. As a GM, I often find myself thinking about the items I give my players and creating little things to hand out. My personal favorite genre of magical item are the ones that at first glance feel just like flavor text, but then a player finds an absolutely masterful way to turn that item into a gamechanger, like the Decanter of Endless Water

This item might be a little more mechanically minded in its design, but I noticed that there was only one alchemical item that affected stealth in Pathfinder Second Edition official sources, and that was tied to Stealth against undead. So in true GM fashion, I decided to make one of my own and share it. I hope it brings joy to the would-be rogues in your games.





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