Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Current Game

Current Game

Game System

In my current game, I’m using Pathfinder Second Edition. We’re all really enjoying the system so far. The three-action combat mechanics allow for some really interesting maneuvers to be made by the players.

Original Player Characters

Rake Truewit

Rake is an automaton swashbuckler who formerly served the Moorcock family, rich magnates with money in providing necromantic services. Rake realized the oppression they lived under and left the family behind.


Chef is a Lizardfolk Ranger traveling the world for the best ingredients he can find. Even if the rest of the party might disagree with his idea of “best”.


Robyn is a goblin rogue. Her former mentor The Shadow was murdered a few months ago and she is traveling looking for clues as to who murdered him. In her downtime from adventuring, she is an initiate in the Thieves’ Guild currently under the tutelage of the tyrannical Sammy Rockfoot.


Whoosh is a goblin alchemist. He is an odd fellow, with a dream of overthrowing a tyrant, taking the tyrant’s place then fomenting a rebellion to overthrow himself. He likes explosions and tinkering with new formulae.


Punch is an automaton bounty hunter. They work as a bounty hunter. As the story begins, they have been hired by the Moorcocks to track down Rake.

Story to Date

We’ve been playing in a homebrew campaign since early this year and a lot has happened in the game in a relatively in-game time frame. Our 2022 sessions so far have fit into roughly two in-game days.

The game began with the group having the stereotypical RPG meet up in a tavern scene, taking part in a local festival in the town of Twilight’s Rest.

Their tavern time was interrupted when a group of zombies and skeletons attacked the town. This encounter with low-level undead really drove home for me how different Pathfinder 2 is from some of the other systems I’ve played recently. We almost lost our ranger within the first two rounds of the first session due to getting a little too close to some enemies who had some interesting and dynamic options. Specifically, the exploding skeletons optional ability added an awesome twist to a first level encounter.

The attack by the undead was a cover for the theft of an artifact by a cult called the Heralds of the Whispering Dark. The stolen artifact is one which when used to its full power can trasport an entire city to or from the Shadow Plane. The party discovered this power a couple sessions later, when the power of the artifact was used in their vicinity and the magics of the Shadow Plane revived a pack of wolves the party had just defended themselves against.

New skeletal wolves handled, the party continued their search for the stolen Orb to an abandoned fort. Inside, they received a taunting “Your princess is in another castle” as the orb had already been removed from the fort by a group of cultists. So the party stole the cult’s airship and returned to Twilight’s Rest, leaving the cult leader they’d met stranded. Rake and Chef decide to part from the group at this time and chase their fortunes elsewhere.

Back in Twilight’s Rest, the party exchanged two members for new Player Characters. Simon, a newly transitioned teen tiefling sorcerer was found being mugged, while CAT-Synth, a murderous mercenary automaton rogue was encountered then critically charmed by Simon minutes later.

The party meets Simon’s doting moms, get overfed and do a shopping trip. They are hired by Lord Pembrooke, a well-off businessman of Twilight’s Rest to spy on the Moorcocks’ dealings while they chase down the artifact they seek. Punch also receives an additional bounty to track down a freedom fighter being sought by the Moorcocks and bring him to Pembrooke for additional training and provisioning.

Whoosh and Robyn are met at the rechristened airship The Nicholas Fury by Sammy Rockfoot. Sammy tells them that a group has been causing him trouble and he would like them dealt with. He says the “dealing with” needs to happen coincidentally in the same town that Punch has already taken a bounty in. But Robyn has a bad feeling about things, and gets a hunch that Sammy might be talking about her own group just as much as the cultists he tasked her with tracking down for the Guild.

The party leaves Twilight’s Rest on the Fury, only to be besieged in the air by imps claiming to be sent by a devil by the name of “Lady Meriwit” after Simon. Most of the imps are killed by the party quickly. The last attempts to flee, invisible, but critically fails a will save on Simon’s latest charm spell.

And so we last left our party, on their airship, traveling to a new city, ready to interrogate a currently very friendly imp.

I cannot wait for the next game.





3 responses to “Current Game”

  1. […] filling my Thunderbird inbox with RSS feeds, and I’ve been writing here about things like my Pathfinder game or a new book I got an early copy of. It’s just me sitting at my table or my desk with a […]

  2. […] was flipping through the equipment list looking for good items to give to my players in my Pathfinder game. I noticed that one of my favorite magical items has yet to see release in Pathfinder 2e, that […]

  3. […] been a while since the last gameplay update I made that wasn’t also mainly a review of the module or system I […]

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