Alex Keane

Lover of Fiction and Games

Even Taking a Dead Butterfly Can Be Theft

Ohio’s theft statute is very serious. People can and have been prosecuted and even received jail time for what might seem like very minor indiscretions. Even the taking of a candy bar can bring charges that could carry up to six months in jail.

As an example of the harsh penalties one can receive, a Cincinnati woman spent a night in jail and will serve six months of probation for removing a dead Blue Morpho butterfly and four other dead butterflies from the Krohn Conservatory. The woman believed she would be allowed to take the dead butterfly based on the statement of an employee who said that the dead butterflies were swept up and put into the trash at the end of the day. The woman was seen on security camera footage climbing over a barrier and into some plants in the exhibit. She plead guilty to misdemeanor theft charges last Thursday in Cincinnati Municipal Court.

More information about her case is available from the Cincinnati Enquirer.

I would advise anyone who believes they are receiving something for free to make sure that they verify with an employee that they are allowed to take it. Even taking something destined for the trash heap can result in serious charges and even jail time.

If you are charged with theft, or any other crime, and need help defending yourself, please contact me and I can help you determine your best defense and how to proceed in your case.

Credit for the photo goes to Georgina Ford. Photo used under Creative Commons Attribution License.






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